Adopt a
Truffle Oak Tree
in the Golan Heights

We invite you to be partners in establishing a first-of-its-kind plot in Israel, and to adopt a truffle oak tree in the Golan Heights.

At this time, phrases like, “a connection with the land” or, “to put down roots” have an even greater meaning. This is the time to deepen our connection with you – nature lovers, foodies and romantics, and to take you with us on our mission to create and to cultivate a local truffle culture.

Plant a tree for future generations – and enjoy the fruit

Your truffle oak tree will be planted in Tel Mahfi, in the northern part of the Golan, at an altitude of 1,020 meters above sea level. Characteristic of this area, the plot has basalt and mineral-rich soil that gives the truffles exceptional flavor and aroma.
Your tree will join some 100,000 other trees that we have already planted throughout the Golan.
On adopting a tree, you will receive:


An adoption certificate

Ater adopting your tree, you will be invited to plant it personally. At the planting, you will receive an official, framed, ILSAR adoption certificate, stating the precise location of your tree. A sign with your name and the date of adoption will be fixed on the tree. If you are unable to attend in person, we will plant your tree for you and send your adoption certificate to your address.


Truffles directly to your doorstep

During the first truffle season after adopting your truffle oak tree, you will already receive an ‘ILSAR’ black winter truffle to your very door together with:


A Truffle Slicer

Together with your first truffle, you will receive a truffle slicer made in Piamonte in Italy – the traditional tool that accompanies dishes including truffles. The body of the slicer is made of wood and its blade is of a high quality of stainless steel and is particularly sharp.


A Truffle hunting tour

You will receive an invitation for two to take part in a truffle hunt, together with our professional truffle hunters and their dogs, during the truffle season. This is a unique and unforgettable experience, reserved exclusively for those who adopt trees.

Group 52 Copy 3

Membership to the ‘Adopt a Tree Club’

On adopting a tree, you will receive a one-year membership to the exclusive club for those adopting trees on plot ROM 990, which entitles members to various discounts and special offers.


Entitlement to continue enjoying our truffles, discounts and offers for members

Your club membership is renewable for 350 ILS, and you will receive a truffle to your door. In addition, you will enjoy discounts on a range of ILSAR’s products and receive notifications about events.

Cost of adopting a truffle tree in the Golan: 1,950 ILS

  • The cost of adopting a tree, renewal of club membership, and the cost of adopting a tree as a gift may change over time, in accordance with company policy, and according to the price list, and are subject to the terms and conditions of the program.
  • The name appearing on the sign fixed to the tree will be the same as in the payment details.

  • Gifting a tree – fill in the name of the person to whom you are gifting the tree in the appropriate box on the payment page.

Do you have any questions?
Want to know more?

Read about how it all began and all about our truffles

A Gift of Nature

Adopting a truffle tree is a unique and romantic gift for a special loved one, for family member, and even for friends abroad whose connection with Israel you would like to strengthen Israel. This present is perfect for foodies, for nature lovers and for those fond of travel.

Cost of a truffle tree: 1,950 ILS

Gift recipient details

  • Gifting a tree – fill in the name of the person to whom you are gifting the tree in the appropriate box on the payment page.


What is a truffle oak tree?

An oak truffle tree is an oak tree, whose roots have been “infected” with truffle spores.

The truffles grow underground and form a symbiotic mycorrhizal association with the roots of the tree (from the Greek: Myco, which means ‘fungus’, and rhizo, which means ‘root’).

The oak provides the fungus with sugars that it creates, and with fibres that provide an ideal habitat for the growth of the fungus, and the fungus helps the tree to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

The oak truffle tree seedling is transferred from our nursery for the planting stage when it is 18 months old, and its roots are covered in fungi.

To complete the development process and the establishment of the truffle on the tree’s roots, it takes a further 5-7 years until the truffles develop in the ground.

When does the truffle season begin?

The Black winter truffle season starts in mid-December and ends in late February.

What does the truffle hunting tour include?

The tour will take place during the season (in the peak of winter), and you will take part in a truffle hunt with our hunters and dogs. On the tour, you will be part of a group of up to 15 participants.

Hot tea will be served, followed by the hunt, and to conclude, participants will have the opportunity to taste truffles, accompanied by wine from the Golan Heights.

The tour lasts about an hour and a half, and will be held on a date set by ILSAR. A more detailed notice will be sent to the invitees individually.

Will the truffles I receive come from my own tree?

A truffle oak tree yields truffles after 5-7 years, therefore those who participate in the tree adoption program will receive 'ILSAR' truffles from mature trees.

Is it possible to purchase more than one tree, for example for a family, or for employees at the company I work for?

Yes. For details regarding gifts for employees in your organization, please contact us.

What is the difference between the "Adopt a Tree Club" and the regular "ILSAR Club"?

Each year, with the renewal of your premium ‘Adopt a Tree Club’ membership, you will enjoy doorstep delivery of truffles at a special price and a variety of discounts on products sold on our website.

Can I visit my tree?

Please feel free to do so, with prior arrangement, and in compliance with our guidelines.